Recently, a distressing case of child sexual abuse at a school in Badlapur has shaken the community. This incident has made parents, teachers, and stakeholders question the safety of their children and left the children themselves with confusion and fear. It has highlighted the urgent need for proactive measures to enhance child safety.
Educating children about child sexual abuse is crucial. By teaching them about safe and unsafe touch, we can equip them with the knowledge to recognize inappropriate behaviour and empower them to speak up if they feel threatened. This education not only helps children stay safe but also builds their confidence to seek help when needed.
Addressing child safety requires more than just education; it demands a cultural shift within schools and communities. Open discussions about child sexual abuse are essential for creating a supportive environment where children feel safe and can express their concerns. Collaboration among parents, teachers, school management committees, local law enforcement, and community stakeholders is crucial. Social workers also play a key role in this sensitization process.
To address these issues and empower children, empowHER India India has launched a comprehensive awareness campaign in collaboration with the local police in Karjat. This campaign not only addresses immediate concerns but also fosters a culture where children understand safety and feel trusted to express their fears. During these training sessions, children actively participate, share their views, ask questions, and discuss their experiences.
A session in action under the campaign by empowHER India with Karjat Police
One major challenge is the reluctance to report child sexual abuse. Fear of not being believed, shame, stigma, and confusion often prevent victims and their families from seeking help. The fight against child sexual abuse is complicated by a lack of child-friendly reporting mechanisms and difficulties in prosecuting cases. Creating a supportive environment where victims feel safe to report abuse is vital. Support for victims goes beyond legal action and includes emotional and psychosocial care. Ensuring that victims continue their education and daily routines is also important. The trauma from abuse can affect survivors well into adulthood, impacting their mental health and relationships. Counselling and therapy are crucial for helping survivors heal.
While legal frameworks like the POCSO Act are designed to protect children, their effectiveness depends on thorough reporting and prosecution. Organizations working on child protection often encounter inefficiencies within systems such as law enforcement, hospitals, courts, and policymaking bodies.
Prevention is the most effective tool against child sexual abuse. Parents and teachers should have open conversations with children about body parts and the concept of safe versus unsafe touch. In my work with adolescents, we emphasize life skills education, including psychosocial skills, decision-making, health and nutrition, gender equity, and safety. Educating children, parents, and community stakeholders about sexual and reproductive health rights is essential for their well-being.
Arjun Malge
Arjun Malge is a social worker and child rights activist with 8 years of experience in the development sector. His focus is on preventing child sexual abuse through awareness and life skills education and sensitizing the community. Since June 2022, he has served as the Cluster Head of the Setu Program at empowHER India. Arjun has also successfully advocated for a stronger justice system for child victims through a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Bombay High Court.