We’ve all turned to the Internet at some point to ask some question or other. That simple step is actually a great educational leap that helps us spread the truths and facts we learned to others who have similar doubts.
However, when it comes to menstruation, there is so much unnecessary secrecy and refusal to reject long-standing superstitions that it boggles the mind.
Through this collaborative effort we aim to break that silence by sharing key truths about periods that every adolescent woman and man needs to know.
No Awareness, More Stigma
Stereotypes, superstitions, secrets, and stigmas source from a lack of awareness. This is highly evident in the case of periods, where social pressure NOT to talk about menstruation has only ended up creating a messy melange of lies and shame around it.
A deliberate effort must be made if we, as a modern society, are to get rid of taboos and generational lies about periods. Both women and men need to be open about it.
There are plenty of bodily functions that aren’t always comfortable to talk about. But periods, though a major biological function, is swept under the proverbial carpet of discussion.
Awareness is a potent form of education. Periods don’t make women impure. In fact, they are proof of her ability to give birth to another life, which is purity itself.
Self-Knowledge is Self-Empowerment
By shunning all open talk about periods and its relevance, women are given very few legitimate sources from which to learn about it. The pain and discomfort associated with menstruation are hard enough. Now imagine adding lies, misappropriation, and a serious lack of knowledgeable resources to that mountain. A woman who knows about her periods, especially how to track and manage it, will gain all the knowledge she needs to feel empowered, even when those crazy cramps take over her body during that time of the month.
The best way to empower today’s women is NOT to deny them access to resources, products, and knowledge about their own bodies, particularly periods. From the moment you experience your first period, to a little before then as well, you need to stay aware of menstruation so you can better manage it.
Talking openly about periods will make menstrual hygiene a reality for millions of women who, as of now, are probably hiding behind thick veils of ignorance because of what society tells them they should or should not do.
Education Prevents Mismanagement
Avoiding period mismanagement and ensuring optimum health, safety, and hygiene is a difficult mountain to climb. Society, especially in India, has made it near-impossible for women to talk about periods without feeling cramps of shame.
This has to end. Modern women and girls have access to modern opportunities. Unless we all want to go back to the Stone Age, it is time we moved forward into an inclusive future, one where women are free to talk about a key biological event in their lives, namely menstruation.
So let's #talkaboutperiods
Neeraja Pandiaraj
Neeraja is the founder of Bio Bud, an eco-friendly period products company. She launched Bio Bud in October 2020 to address the lack of safe and sustainable period pads in India, a need that became even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neeraja's mission is to combine menstrual hygiene with sustainability, ensuring comfort and safety for all women.